Compass Private Exclusives



Who Says You Only Have One Chance to Make a First Impression?

Listing your home as a Private Exclusive extends your marketing runway and signals to buyers working with Compass agents that new inventory is coming. Drive interest with exclusive marketing and gain insights before launching to the public.


Mike McCurry Group

Hinsdale - Clarendon Hills Real Estate
[email protected]
M: (630) 447-9393

Why You Should Use Private Exclusives


Looking to Buy in This Competitive Market?

Working with Mike McCurry Group grants you access to privately listed inventory before the rest of the competition.


Take Your Time to Put Together the Best Offer

Avoid bidding wars with other buyers and prepare the offer that makes the most sense for you, with expert guidance from Mike.


Preserve Your Privacy

If the home you buy is publicly marketed, the photos can be found on the internet for years to come. Avoid that and preserve your discretion by buying a Private Exclusive.

Private Exclusives may not be available in all markets, and availability is subject to change. Private Exclusives, inclusive of pre-marketing and listing strategies, are at the discretion of the seller. They are only visible to buyers and the Compass agents representing them in that market. Compass does not recommend one particular strategy or guarantee results. #1 in 2023 closed sales volume in the US per RealTrends.

Work With Us

Mike believes that people are at the heart of every real estate transaction. That’s why his approach to buying and selling always starts with developing a real relationship with his clients.

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